From SportsFirst: Sports Tech Trends in 2024, 'Immersive Technologies'

SportsTech trends in2024

Here are some specific examples of how immersive technologiesare being used in sports today:

NFL teams are using VR to simulate game scenarios and trainquarterbacks in a risk-free environment.

NBA teams are using AR to visualize plays and strategies duringpractice sessions.

Major League Baseball is using AR to enhance the fan experience atballparks, allowing fans to view real-time statistics and interact withvirtual players.

The International Olympic Committee is exploring the use of VR and AR to improve the training and competition experience for athletes.

Looking ahead, we can expect immersive technologies to have an even greater impact on sports in several ways:

VR and AR will be used to create interactive training simulations that aremore realistic and engaging than ever before. Fans will be able to participate in virtual reality games and competeagainst other fans from around the world.

Live sports broadcasts will be enhanced with AR overlays that provideviewers with additional information and statistics.

Immersive technologies will be used to create new revenue streams forsports organizations, such as through VR ticketing and virtualmerchandise.

360D Sports

AI in Sports is still in a very initial stagesin India. In my view, AI is only used tocollect the information of Sports. I foreseeAI usercases like Athlete Analysis ToolsOr Data Tools development. Social Mediais one of the mediums which can play akey role of AI development in Sports.

Karthik Yanamandra

SportsTech trends in2024